Workshop on Prototype Warfare

The relationship between warfare and new data technologies is constantly evolving. To explore this intersection and critically assess its configuration Dr. Marijn Hoijtink of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has organised a digital workshop “Prototype Warfare”: New Regimes of Computation, Innovation and War as part of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) Veni project Deathly Design: The Politics of Engineering Autonomous Weapons.

As part of the workshop an array of experts will take a critical look at “prototype warfare”. Co-founders of IRW Dr. Lauren Gould and Prof. Dr. Jolle Demmers will be contributing to a panel discussion about the “Surveillance, sense-making and sanitation in war and conflict”.

The digital workshop takes place online from 15.00 to 18.00 on the 25th and 26th of March. Those who are interested in joining can register via