Prof. Dr. Jolle Demmers is Full Professor in Conflict Studies and head of section of History of International Relations (UU). Jolle is IRW’s research leader. She lectures and writes on theories of contemporary violent conflict, boundaries and violence, military neoliberalism and remote warfare. Demmers studied Political Science and International Relations at the University of Amsterdam and carried out her PhD research on neoliberal caciquismo and political violence in Mexico. She is currently engaged in research projects on the spatial and temporal reconfiguration of warfare and the (re)instituting of violence in the 21st century. Jolle is Chair of the Faculty’s Admission Commission, and member of the Dutch Advisory Council of International Affairs (Peace and Secuirty Commission). She is author of Theories of Violent Conflict, which will see it third edition by 2023.
Listen to IRW founders dr. Lauren Gould and prof. dr. Jolle Demmers as they reflect on the research programme’s achievements and future ambitions in the latest Utrecht University podcast episode.
Watch Intimacies of Remote Warfare project founder Prof. Jolle Demmers tackling the big questions surrounding remote warfare and call for more transparency in her recent talk for Stadium Generale.