By Lauren Gould
Next week, Lauren Gould will organize and chair two panels on the Military-Industrial-Academic Complex and Ecocide at the Conflict Studies Concerning War, Conflict and Peace conference.
Investigating Civilian Harm in an Era of Western Remote Warfare
In this Armed Groups and International Law blog, Dr. Lauren Gould offers a reflection on why we should move towards a broader definition of civilian harm to measure and debate the impact of Western interventions.
Commissie Sorgdrager concludes ‘Too Little, Too Late’
IRW reviews Comissie Sorgdragers report on the lessons learned from Dutch Coalition bombing of Hawija
Concerns about the ‘militarization of the university’: Limited room for criticism
In a recent article by De Kanttekening, dr. Lauren Gould and dr. Michiel Bot, express their concerns about the growing influence of the military-industrial complex on universities.
RAW receives FWO research grant to trace and investigate the realities of algorithmic warfare
Researchers Marijn Hoijtink and Lauren Gould have been awarded a research grant by Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen (FWO) to trace and investigate the realities of algorithmic warfare.
The Rise of AI in Warfare & Security
On 26 November, Dr. Lauren Gould will explore the real-world impact of AI use across warfare and policing during a Studium Generale symposium at Tilburg University.
Keynote: Realities of Algorithmic Warfare and Civilian Harm
Dr. Lauren Gould and Jessica Dorsey provide a keynote for the Contestations.AI symposium on the 23rd of October in Helsinki.
Public Lecture: Algorithmic Warfare & Civilian Harm in Gaza
Lauren Gould and Jessica Dorsey will present the latest Concerning War and Conflict lecture on 20 September in Utrecht
Long read: From human to data point to a target of kamikaze drones
Realities of Algorithmic Warfare researchers Marijn Hoijtink, Lauren Gould, and Linde Arentze provide an in-depth analysis of algorithmic warfare and civilian harm in Gaza in De Groene Amsterdammer and Knack.
RAW presents paper on algorithmic warfare and civilian harm at EWIS
Dr. Lauren Gould and Linde Arentze presented a paper on the realities of the IDF’s AI-driven targeting practices in Gaza during the European Workshops in International Studies in Istanbul.