Civilian HarmEventsLauren Gould, Liesbeth Zegveld 17/12/18 Our remote war in Syria and Iraq Lauren Gould et al Events Panel discussion on the remote war waged in Iraq and Syria, held 17th December 2018
Civilian HarmOp-edJolle Demmers, Lauren Gould 26 September 2018 26/09/18 Stop our remote war in Syria and Iraq Jolle Demmers et al Op-ed Op-Ed in Trouw by Jolle Demmers and Lauren Gould.
Security CooperationPodcastJolle Demmers et al 01 June 2018 01/06/18 An assemblage approach to liquid warfare Jolle Demmers et al Podcast Antoine Bousquet interviews Jolle Demmers and Lauren Gould about the assemblage approach to liquid warfare with reference to the US AFRICA Command and the 'hunt' for Joseph Kony.
Security CooperationArticle 01 June 2018 01/06/18 An assemblage approach to liquid warfare: AFRICOM and the ‘hunt’ for Joseph Kony Article Demmers and Gould analyse AFRICOM and the ‘hunt’ for Joseph Kony as an example of 'liquid warfare'.