By Lauren Gould
After another round of negotiations and exchanges, IRW and its civil society partners put forward their second round of 16 recommendations to the Dutch MoD.
AI is increasing the speed of targeting and scale of civilian harm in Gaza
IRW’s Lauren Gould, Marijn Hoijtink, and Linde Arentze reflect on the realities of algorithmic warfare and civilian harm in Gaza in The Conversation.
Assembling the Future of Warfare: Innovating Swarm Technology within the Dutch Military-Industrial-Commercial Complex
The Dutch MOD and a delegation of high-tech AI startups travelled to Ukraine last week to sign new military contracts. This is the military-industrial-commercial complex that IRW scholars coin in their latest chapter on swarm technology.
Navigating Field Research in Conflict-Affected Societies
IRW’s Dr. Lauren Gould reflects on the importance of doing field research in an era of remote warfare in the latest podcast episode of NIOD Rewind.
Rechter eist meer transparantie van Defensie in de Hawija zaak
Op 17 januari eiste de rechter in een tussenvonnis meer transparantie van Defensie over de aanloop tot het bombardement op Hawija. IRW’s Lauren Gould reflecteert in een opiniestuk op de betekenis van de uitspraak.
Travelling AI Technologies Across Policing and Warfare
Join IRW at the Travelling Technologies Symposium on the 1st of December 2023.
Algorithmic innovation: Experimentation beyond the boundaries of the law
IRW's Dr. Gould et al. analysed how the Dutch Army experimented in algorithmic innovation by unlawfully tracking its citizen’s sentiment and behaviour.
Reflecting on Five Years Intimacies of Remote Warfare
Listen to IRW founders dr. Lauren Gould and prof. dr. Jolle Demmers as they reflect on the research programme’s achievements and future ambitions in the latest Utrecht University podcast episode.
Transparency and Accountability in Military Operations
Gain insights into the importance of transparency and accountability in military operations by joining the upcoming event on May 30, 2023.
IRW presents article on algorithmic warfare at ISA
Dr. Lauren Gould and dr. Marijn Hoijtink present their article on information driven and algorithmic warfare at the ISA conference in Montreal