CommentaryAoife Keogh 26 June 2020 26/06/20 Remote Warfare Commentary Roundup 3 Aoife Keogh Commentary The Remote Warfare roundup commentary is a bi-weekly digest of unfolding news, op-eds and reports relevant to remote warfare.
CommentaryAoife Keogh 19 June 2020 19/06/20 Remote Warfare Commentary Roundup 2 Aoife Keogh Commentary The Remote Warfare roundup commentary is a bi-weekly digest of unfolding news, op-eds and reports relevant to remote warfare.
TechnologiesCommentaryNeil Wilson 12 June 2020 12/06/20 The Ambiguities of Precision Warfare Neil Wilson Commentary What do we talk about when we talk about precision in warfare?
CommentaryAoife Keogh 12 June 2020 12/06/20 Remote Warfare Commentary Roundup 1 Aoife Keogh Commentary Remote Warfare news and media for the week ending 12/6/2020
Security CooperationCommentaryPeter Tinti 15 January 2020 15/01/20 How Would a Military Drawdown Affect US Engagement in Africa? Peter Tinti Commentary World Politics Review podcast interviewing journalist Peter Tinti on the evolution of US military engagement in Africa.
Security CooperationCommentaryJolle Demmers, Lauren Gould 13 August 2018 13/08/18 Liquid Warfare: AFRICOM and its pop-up militarization Jolle Demmers et al Commentary Security Dialogue Author's blog on AFRICOM and its pop-up militarization.
Civilian HarmArticleJolle Demmers, Lauren Gould 17 May 2018 17/05/18 Remote Warfare and its discontents Jolle Demmers et al Article Blog post on transparency, accountability and scrutiny in remote warfare.