Jessica Dorsey and dr. Marijn Hoijtink respond in the newspapers Trouw and DeMorgen to Google’s newly announced ethical AI guidelines on weapons and surveillance.
In this Armed Groups and International Law blog, Dr. Lauren Gould reflects on why we should move towards a broader definition of civilian harm to measure and debate the impact of Western interventions.
Jessica Dorsey joined a panel of experts to discuss how new technologies are reshaping the nature of warfare in an episode of Focus Radio: Op de Snijtafel on NPO Radio 1 Extra.
In an article by De Kanttekening, dr. Lauren Gould and dr. Michiel Bot, express their concerns about the growing influence of the military-industrial complex on universities.
In his podcast series “The Palestine Laboratory”, investigative journalist Anthony Loewenstein examines how the Palestinian territories became a testing ground for military and surveillance technologies.
Researchers Marijn Hoijtink and Lauren Gould have been awarded a research grant by Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen (FWO) to trace and investigate the realities of algorithmic warfare.