In his recent article, “Tragic reflection, political wisdom, and the future of algorithmic war,” published in the Australian Journal of International Affairs, Dr. Neil Renic examines the role of AI and machine learning in military decision-making. He critically addresses concerns such as automation bias, the decrease of individual and institutional expertise, and the displacement of the wisdom and moral sensitivity needed to navigate the complexities of violence and war. Renic is a researcher at the Centre for Military Studies at the University of Copenhagen and affiliate researcher of the Intimacies of Remote Warfare program.

Abstract Article:

Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques are being developed to improve decision making around the resort to force. These technologies are valued for their capacity to rapidly collect and analyse big data, model unique courses of action, offer probabilistic recommendations and predictions regarding the type and degree of force required, and evaluate the benefits, risks, and costs of action and inaction. Those concerned with these developments highlight the possibility of automation bias in human-machine teaming, and the potential de-skilling of individual and institutional decision making. This concern is valid, but too narrow in scope. In addition to human knowledge and skill, wisdom is imperilled by the growing technification of violence and war. Drawing on the lessons of tragedy, I argue that the speed, inflexibility, and false confidence of algorithmically assisted decision making cultivates an insensitivity to the tragic qualities of violence. This dulling of the tragic imagination is likely to lead to more imprudent and immoral uses of force, not less.

For the full publication, click on the reference or read the article below.

Renic, N. (2024). Tragic reflection, political wisdom, and the future of algorithmic war. Australian Journal of International Affairs, 78(2), 247–256. 

Image source: Ministerie van Defensie