Following the sentencing of Ratko Mladic to life imprisonment for his role in genocide in Srebrenica and the announcement by the Wortmann Committee that relatives of the genocide in Srebrenica can apply for compensation, Nike Wenthol and Marrit Woudwijk reflect on the benefits, but also the inherent limitations of the legal realm to provide recognition and justice for victims of war in their op-ed for Trouw.

They therefore call on Dutch publics, parliament, and Ministry of Defence to not wait for a court case to acknowledge and discuss the civilian harm caused by Dutch military interventions, but to start today. They mention the harm done in Hawija and Chora as other prime examples.

To read the full article [in Dutch] click on the link.

Marrit Woudwijk is a research affliate of IRW and a PhD candidate at University of Humanistic Studies. Dr. Nike Wentholt is a post-docturate researcher at the University of Humanistic Studies and Lecturer at the University of Groningen.