“My most important take away that civilian harm is politics. It’s not just a legal or an ethical issue; it’s politics. This kind of civilian harm is not only felt, endured, lived through for the rest of your life. It’s given meaning by people and can feed into new cycles of violence.”

– Lauren Gould on civilian harm

On June 17, the Protection of Civilians team of our civil society partner PAX  launched the publication of the book ‘On Civilian Harm’. In the book, PAX explores the ways in which civilians are negatively affected by violent conflict. To celebrate its publication, PAX brought together the editors and experts including IRW’s Dr. Lauren Gould, Christiaan Triebert (journalist) and Alma Mustafic (lecturer and Srebrenica Survivor) and Marc Garlasco (Military Advisor at PAX) to reflect on the topic of civilian harm caused by remote warfare. 

Read more about the publication here, and watch the recording of the book launch here