National Bird
This documentary tells the human stories of the individuals tasked with carrying out remote warfare and the toll it takes.
This documentary tells the human stories of the individuals tasked with carrying out remote warfare and the toll it takes.
Based on the book by Andrew Feinstein, this documentary explores the pervasive influence of the global arms trade on contemporary war. It also gives insight into the drives behind the development and use of the advanced technologies that facilitate remote intervention.
Krieg on the light footprints and dark shadows of US foreign policy under Obama.
Gregoire Chamayou’s searing critique of drone warfare.
This documentary presents an overview of remote warfare’s inconvenient truths: violations of international law, loss of innocent life, psychological and societal trauma, and potential blowback.
Peter Asaro explores what it means to be a soldier of remote warfare.
Hudson, Owens and Callen examine the political blowback of drone trikes in Yemen.
Hudson, Owens and Flannes investigate the radicalising effects of targeted killings.
Chalmers Johnson on the unintended outcomes of covert operations.