Security CooperationResearch Publications 20 June 2020 20/06/20 Book Chapter: Remote Warfare and the Utility of Military and Security Contractors Research Publications Forthcoming chapter from the E-International Relations Book "Remote Warfare: Interdisciplinary Perspectives"
Civilian HarmMedia 27 May 2020 27/05/20 Conflicting Truth Media Airwars commemorates civilians killed in conflict for UN Protection of Civilians week.
PoliticsArticle 09 April 2020 09/04/20 Lawfare and Remote Warfare Article Reviewing Craig Jones' research on the instrumental use of law in justifying and enabling remote warfare.
Security CooperationCommentaryPeter Tinti 15 January 2020 15/01/20 How Would a Military Drawdown Affect US Engagement in Africa? Peter Tinti Commentary World Politics Review podcast interviewing journalist Peter Tinti on the evolution of US military engagement in Africa.
PoliticsPodcastScott R. Anderson et al 06 January 2020 06/01/20 The Soleimani strike and the law Scott R. Anderson et al Podcast The Lawfare Podcast explores the key legal questions surrounding the drone attack on Qassem Soleimani.
Civilian HarmPodcastKees Versteeg, Jannie Schippers 21 October 2019 21/10/19 How a Dutch Bomb killed 70 people in Iraq Kees Versteeg et al Podcast NRC Daily Podcast interview with journalists Kees Versteeg and Jannie Schippers discussing the Hawija airstrike.
Civilian HarmDocumentaryWaad Al-Kateab, Hamza Al-Khateab 13 September 2019 13/09/19 For Sama Waad Al-Kateab et al Documentary A powerful record of civilian harm in the Battle of Aleppo
Political EconomyResearch Publications 01 September 2019 01/09/19 The Role of Civilian Innovation in the Development of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems Research Publications Maike Verbruggen considers the dynamics shaping civil-military relations surrounding LAWS
Civilian HarmArticleKatja Lindskov Jacobsen, Rune Saugmann 14 June 2019 14/06/19 Optimizing Coalition Air Warfare: The Emergence and Ethical Dilemmas of Red Card Holder Teams Katja Lindskov Jacobsen et al Article Jacobsen and Saugmann examine the operationalisation of international law through Red Card Holders in collaborative military interventions.
TechnologiesBook 25 April 2019 25/04/19 Technology and Agency in International Relations Book Hoijtink and Leese explore new ways of thinking about new technologies.