Dr. Elke Schwarz discusses the ethics surrounding increasing AI integration in military systems in her keynote lecture at “The Algorithmic Turn in Security and Warfare" conference.
Guest authors dr. Marijn Hoijtink and Marlene Tröstl reflect on the sharp contrast between human empathy for military robots and the dehumanization of local publics that underpins remote warfare.
In his latest article for the Correspondent Lennart Hofman addresses the changing nature of war and its increased invisibility against the backdrop of the upcoming Dutch elections.
'The conversation is not about the morality of going to war, but rather the technology of winning' claims former US Marine Anthony Swofford in article for MIT Technology Review.
A panel of experts discuss current trends, initiatives, and opportunities in building meaningful standards on the proliferation and use of armed drones.
This webinar addresses the trends in global drone development and use, and discusses where campaigners should be focusing their efforts in the coming years.
In this De Correspondent article and accompanying podcast, Lennart Hofman asks if the military investments in AI is justified, or if the hype around AI is simply that – hype.